Project Information

  • PL: Python
  • Libraries: pandas, nltk, scikit-learn, matplotlib
  • Skills: Data Cleaning, Sentiment Analysis, Data Visualization, NLP
  • Project date: 2024
  • Project URL: Kaggle


This project is a comprehensive analysis of customer reviews from AliExpress. The primary goal of this project is to determine the sentiment of the reviews, whether positive, negative, or neutral. This analysis helps in understanding customer satisfaction and product performance, providing valuable insights for improving product offerings. The project utilizes Python and various libraries such as nltk and scikit-learn to perform sentiment analysis and data visualization.


  • Data Collection: Collected customer reviews from the AliExpress website.
  • Data Cleaning: Cleaned the data to remove any inconsistencies and irrelevant information.
  • Text Processing: Used natural language processing (NLP) techniques to preprocess the text data, including tokenization, stop word removal, and stemming.
  • Sentiment Analysis: Applied sentiment analysis using machine learning algorithms to classify the reviews as positive, negative, or neutral.
  • Data Visualization: Visualized the results using various charts and graphs to provide clear insights into customer sentiments.