Dataset information

  • Source: National Labor Exchange
  • License: CC BY 4.0
  • Geo Coverage: United States
  • Temp Coverage: - 04/28/2024
  • Collection date: 2024
  • Collection Method: Web Scraping
  • Dataset URL: Kaggle


This dataset is a collection of job listings from the National Labor Exchange, covering various job sectors across the United States. This dataset provides valuable insights into the job market, including job titles, descriptions, locations, and company details. It is designed to support data analysis, machine learning, and natural language processing projects focused on employment trends and job market analysis.

Dataset Features

  • _version_: The version identifier of the job data.
  • guid: A unique identifier for the job listing.
  • reqid: The job requisition ID.
  • buid: A unique business ID.
  • id: A general identifier for the job.
  • GeoLocation: Geographic coordinates of the job location.
  • country_exact: The exact country where the job is located.
  • city_exact: The exact city of the job location.
  • state_exact: The state or region of the job location.
  • postal_code: The postal code of the job location.
  • date_added: The date when the job was added to the listing.
  • date_new: The date when the job became new.
  • date_updated: The last date when the job was updated.
  • salted_date: A derived date attribute.
  • company_exact: The exact name of the company offering the job.
  • company_member: A specific identifier related to the company's status.
  • federal_contractor: Indicates whether the company is a federal contractor.
  • is_posted: Shows whether the job is currently posted.
  • network: Information about the company's network.
  • on_sites: Information about the onsite locations for the job.
  • title_exact: The exact title of the job.
  • score: A score associated with the job listing.
  • description: The full job description.