Dataset information

  • Source: GOV.UK
  • License: Open Government Licence (OGL)
  • Geo Coverage: United Kingdom
  • Temp Coverage: 04/16/2023 - 08/30/2023
  • Collection date: 2023
  • Dataset URL: Kaggle


This Dataset is a detailed collection of job listings from the GOV.UK website, encompassing various job sectors across the United Kingdom. This dataset offers valuable insights into the UK job market, including job titles, descriptions, locations, and company details. It is designed to support data analysis, machine learning, and natural language processing projects focused on employment trends and job market analysis in the UK.

Collection Methodology

  • Data was scraped from the GOV.UK website using Python and web scraping libraries such as BeautifulSoup and Scrapy.
  • HTTP headers were used to simulate browser requests and avoid detection.
  • Dynamic parameters were generated for request URLs to ensure accurate and comprehensive data collection.
  • HTTP proxies were rotated and validated to maintain continuous scraping without IP bans.
  • The extracted data was cleaned, transformed, and stored in CSV files for further analysis.